
Pro všechny, kdo mají v popisu práce řízení nějakého systému, se kterým chtějí pohnout, ale nad nemají nad ním přímou kontrolu:

Big organisations run on inertia. That doesn’t mean they stand still. They resist change in their direction and speed. If you’re trying to set standards for what good looks like, to have a real impact, you have to deliver something that disrupts inertia. So to have real bite, you need standards attached to powers. Look forward to becoming unpopular.

And if you don’t have powers — like the ability to stop spending, or prevent something being launched — forget about standards for now and concentrate on building your credibility by delivering things that work first. Earn the right to be trusted as a good judge before appointing yourself.

(zvýraznil Byrokrates)

Andrew Greenway v textu na Medium. Původně o standardech webových služeb, jak je v průběhu britské digitalizace veřejných služeb nastavuje tamní Government Digital Service, ale sedne to nejspíš na spoustu situací.

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